
Of love. And lists.

Kid in a candy shop? Biker at GT House? Same difference.

That above photograph of mine shows me having bought the LS2 Scope FF902. Well, I returned it. Why? Therein lies a story.

And it goes something like this: I bought the LS2 Scope FF902. I paid for it. I got the new Blue Armour C30 attached. Put in the pin-lock. Boxed it. Called my driver. And had him carry it to the car.

And then, my friend Partha (the sneaky bastard who was manning the cash counter) showed me the LS2 Thunder FF805.

You see, when you are looking for something, you make lists of must-have, good-to-have, and avoidable traits and qualities. And then, you stupidly go around trying to check those boxes. Until you find ‘the one’. And they don’t tick any of those!

Now, this ridiculously priced (way out of my budget, or even my pay grade) piece of art is what race track riders wear. I am not one. Also, I needed a modular design, an in-built pull-down dark visor, no other colour but black & red, a gloss finish, and a quick-release strap. This stupid thing has none of these bells & whistles. It’s just a helmet for those that want to (and often do) go crazy fast and wish not to die. Unlike me, who wants form over function. So, half a dozen ‘Nopes’.

But then, I beheld it. And something snapped. I pleaded with Partha to exchange the recently (literally 5 minutes ago) bought one with this. I didn’t care about discounts (this one is 2.5x the price). I didn’t care about quick-release straps or modular designs (race track riders don’t care for these over safety, and more safety). I just wanted to possess it. It won’t be wrong, in fact, to say that it possessed me! I was like a love-struck teenager.

And so…here I am. With this crazy as fuck piece of beauty in my living room. Just staring at it.

P.S.: I had ordered a ‘Fast As Fuck’ sticker for my new helmet. But I cancelled it. Not only because beauty such as this cannot be mutilated with stickers (that too), but also because when you see someone wearing this helmet, you don’t need to tell those that know that you are fast as fuck. And then some. As for those that don’t, well, they don’t need to know, do they now? On the other hand, what did you think the ‘FF’ in the model name refered to?

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