
Loag kya kahenge, anyone?

I’ve noticed that we people do really talk rather loudly without consideration for anyone else in the vicinity in public places like Starbucks in India.

Why do you think this happens, given that historically Indian culture has had a ‘loag kya kahenge‘ approach to how one should act not just in public, but even privately, based on what others (even complete strangers) think of one’s actions?

I am sitting in a group of tables, of which I am occupying one corner table, and a gentleman(?) is occupying the other, with some other strangers interspersed between us. He has been taking a Zoom call so loudly that I think I am in a position to advise him on his company’s sales strategy by now.

How do the others react? No, they do not ask him to ‘shush’ or even give him ‘the look’ (something I am doing). They are also busy speaking, very loudly, into their phones, computers, or across the table to their partners. Like, what is the matter with you folks? Do you not care at all? You are all obviously highly educated, well-travelled, and worldly-wise, other than being well-off enough to be able to afford this exorbitantly priced coffee. So, what gives?

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