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Caveat Amicis.

Fair warning. To all who interact with me.

I write. As catharsis. As therapy. As hobby. As release. As habit. As obsession. As compulsion. As practice. For feeding my hunger. In pursuit of a rush. To be on the right side of history. For posterity. For Kymaia. And for myself.

Additionally, I have written in detail about my reasons for writing at least on two separate occasions before. So, won’t elaborate them again.

This is to put on record that if I am part of an experience, if I am part of a conversation, if I am part of an incident, chances are it will appear in print here. It may or may not be embellished (mostly via omission, and never by addition). And it will never ever ever have a name (unless by consent, and they will be tagged), and rarely even a gender or any personally identifiable information about the parties involved. I will not invade anyone’s privacy or dox them. Ever.

That said, it (the above-referred interaction) is very likely to be the subject of a write-up here and elsewhere. You may be a character in it or an observer. It will, of course, be without your real name or any other things that may mark you out personally.

So, you would need to assume that you, and what happens when you and I are around, what we speak about, people I interact with, and so on, are likely to crop up here and elsewhere on the Interwebz. And conduct yourself based on that presumption.

There’s only one way to avoid this. Do not engage with me. If you do, be prepared to see the conversation here. This is true for literally anyone who creates art and tells stories, all authors and poets, painters and dancers, diarists and columnists, filmmakers and playwrights, musicians and cartoonists, bloggers and journalists, and all manner of similar animals. I am not saying something you didn’t already know. So, don’t be surprised. And don’t take offence.

You’ve been warned.

P.S.: The only exception to this is if I catch you or witness you doing something I need to warn my other (especially mutual) friends about. Then, I’ll effing dox the hell out of you. Name and shame. And consequences be damned.

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