
Training to win.

Today, we wore a headband, because our hair length is now at such a point where it is neither long enough to tie a ponytail nor short enough to let be without it interfering with our workout. And we were super-conscious throughout the session. But Baba bear took a lot of photographs because he thought it cute. Also, just so you know, Rafa wears one too, and he is our favourite tennis player, even if he takes too long to serve some time.

Since we are coming back to training after a month, we are finding the going tough, and we are not able to keep up with the other teammates. When we told this to Baba bear, he said it is natural and it should get better with time.

Also, he told us that the more we sweat in peace, the less we’ll bleed in war, to which our natural curiosity took us through a whole conversation about why there are wars and why armies train for war in peacetime. The gist of the discussion was that while we are still unsure why there are wars, what we took away from it was that we need to focus on our training so that we could perform better in competitions. The harder we train, the easier we’ll win. Baba bear told us that a great golf player (whose name was also ‘Player’) said something similar when he was called ‘lucky’: The more I practice, the luckier I get.

Anyway, the day’s begun and we are back to our schedule of early reveille, a quick snack, then track & field practice (did we tell you that we are learning how to throw a very large ball of iron called a ‘shot putt’ and to jump really long as part of our training?) with our teammates in the mornings, followed by a nice hot bath, breakfast, chess, Mandarin, Hindi, lunch, piano, ICSE syllabus (we are on Std III as of now, but we should be moving quickly to Std IV before Christmas), and hopefully from next week, German, topped off by a couple of hours of playtime with friends either in the garden or in the swimming pool in the evening, and then off to have a shower, dinner, and snuggle with Baba or Mamma bear (whoever we choose) for the night.

So, how’s your day looking?

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