
Kehna kya chahte ho?

I am not concerned about the actual news that a newbie, a freshly retired IRS officer-turned-lawyer, said something borderline offensive to a judge. That is a separate issue. My question is, why does the language of, and around, Indian courts, even that of the media reporting on it, have to be so pompous and complicated?

As an example, what does the following paragraph even mean?

“The revision petition emanated in a suit for possession by way of specific performance was filed by the petitioner against the respondent. The same was decreed in 2022. However, an appeal was preferred by the defendant against the said judgment and decree. The said appeal was accompanied by an application for condonation of delay of 12 days in filing the appeal.”

Why can’t it be in English? Why make it so that no one but a lawyer will understand it? Are lawyers the new priests, speaking in their own code and telling everyone how they are indispensable to get justice? Is this a new caste system, with them being the self-appointed Brahmins at the apex? What nonsense is this in 2023?

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