
Ready to roll!

So, what have we here?

In the Dirtsack side saddles: 4 black and 4 white dri-fit tees, two shirts, one jeans, one quick-dry cargo, a pair of tan boots, 4 pairs of socks, 6 pairs of underwear, 8 handkerchiefs, a tan leather belt, a brown leather jacket, extra gloves, night dress, sandals, toiletries (including body wash, which triples as a shampoo and detergent for clothes), medicines, shoe polish kit, a quick-dry towel, a litre of Old Monk Gold Reserve, a couple of plastic bags for wet clothes, helmet cleaner foam, anti-fog spray, various cables & wires, a pair of scissors, plastic tags, blackouts for my auxiliary lights (they are illegal in TN, apparently), and a bottle of gin, a small box with AirPods (both of which I am carrying for a friend in Bengaluru), and a box of Shrewsbury biscuits for my dear friend in Kodi. There are two 1-litre bottles of water on either side, and the entire saddle bag is covered with a waterproof dust cover (why is it called a ‘dust cover’ isn’t a question I’ve answers for; so, don’t ask) that is in a high-visibility neon orange.

On the seat, in the Kreiga 12-litre bag: emergency supplies like spare batteries, a spare credit card, spare cash, motorcycle spare parts (clutch and brake levers, clutch and accelerator cables, brake pads, an 18” tyre tube, fuses, miscellaneous screws, all 4 relays, and so on), spare tools (including odd-sized Allen keys and spanners), puncture repair kit, SOS meds, a gas lighter, extra copies of documentation (Aadhaar, DL, RC book, insurance, etc.), dry fruits, BT speaker, torch, toilet paper, hand cloths, a spare bungee cord, multipurpose knife, insulating tape, rubber bands, spare shoe laces, spare set of keys, carabiners, a miniature lock, a foldable bag, spare masks, and some other knock-knacks.

On top of it, in the 8-litre Viaterra bag: Rain gear and the bag’s strap.

Not in the frame, in the 12-litre BombayTrooper backpack (to be worn on my shoulders tomorrow once geared up): my laptop, chargers, reading glasses, sunglasses, Insta camera accessories, stationery (pen & notepad), spare towel (to wipe my head should it get wet in the rain), wallet with cards and cash as well as my DL and RC book, and a small pack of chikki (for instant energy).

The BattleCat’s freshly washed, with a full tank of 95-octane petrol, all her screws and nuts/bolts tightened, and tyres pressurised to 32psi in front and 36psi at the back as per the manual. There she stands, awaiting my command. How shiny and sexy is she! My steed. My beauty. My love.

When I wake up tomorrow at 0100, I shall make myself a cup of tea, meditate a bit, visualise my ride as I sip my tea, decide whether or not I should be wearing the rain gear, and then have some more tea before Kymaia drops in, all ready to leave for the airport with her mum. I shall wish her a very happy birthday. She shall wish me the same. My mum shall wish both of us. Group hug!!!

At 0200h, we shall troop to the basement, get into the car (already loaded with Kymaia and Tashuji’s luggage for their Coonoor vacation) and head to the airport, where I shall see them off, post-which I shall head home, shower, gear up, and leave for Bengaluru at around 0400h, hoping to reach my pal, Karthik’s place within 12-14 hours, depending on how many times I feel like breaking for tea!

See you on the other side as I embark on a 3,000km solo motorcycling journey through parts of South India. Let the party begin!

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