Grumpy bear and happy bear.
We have to present on ‘Horses’ at the term-ending exhibition in our new experimental school, and we have no clue how to structure a presentation. We think making colourful words in different fonts with multi-coloured backgrounds will make it attractive. We think the first result that shows up on Google is our answer. We think if we copy from what we see online, it isn’t cheating, or indeed stealing. We think lots of words crammed into a slide is how presentations are done. Baba bear thinks there is much to learn.
And so, for the past three days, we have been learning the fundamentals of research (including formulating the right question, Boolean logic, the art of writing prompts, and basic fact-checking), sourcing (how to find unlicensed or Creative Commons images online, on Unsplash, for example) presentation (on Canva, Google Slides, and Microsoft PowerPoint), and public speaking (including making aids like speaker’s notes and using a lot of interactive components while presenting).
We also made, modified, deleted, remade, and re-edited our presentation almost a dozen times. And we fought, sulked, refused to work or learn, but also soaked up all the knowledge like a sponge, only to have a brain fade when asked to use all the learnings!
That said, tell you what, it was absolutely enjoyable. Learning with Baba bear is frustrating, but what we get at the end of all those tantrums and tears is something that’ll stand us in good stead all our life. And Baba bear, despite not being the most patient teacher, is surely the most fun to learn from. What a blast we had!
And now, let us hope that tomorrow (Thursday, 06 July 2023) when we have to present to all our peers, their parents, and our teachers, we don’t forget it all! Mamma bear, who is the encouraging one (always), is very confident we’ll rock it. When we ask Babe bear what he thinks about our chances, he just nods and tells us that he’ll be happy if we try and not make a total hash of it.
Sigh! I guess all Baba bears are a little stuck up. What do you think? Or is it just this specimen we are stuck with?
P.S.: Here’s a photo of us (me, smiling, and him, grumpy, as usual) in the lift, leaving for school. I am hoping that beard of his grows back quickly. Hate this look. Can’t wait to see the back of it.