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A new beginning?

‘No one told you when to run.
You missed the starting gun.
And then you run, and you run
To catch up with the sun, but it’s sinking.
Racing around to come up behind you again.
The sun is the same, in a relative way
But you’re older.
Shorter of breath
And one day
Closer to death.’
~ Pink Floyd (Time)

At 50, it’s already been ten years since your muscles have started to atrophy, your skin has lost its lustre and elasticity, your teeth start going AWOL, your joints start reminding you they exist, and hair, what hair? Fortunately, for some (most?) ‘normal’ men, that’s just a regular part of ageing. They ignore it not because they don’t care about their health, but because (a) they are well-settled in their lives, (b) their looks or strength or stamina matter to no one but their physician, and (c) the extra effort to remain ‘youthful’ is simply not necessary.

Not for me, though. I have had to literally start afresh every 10 years or so. Financially, professionally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and sexually, I’ve had to reinvent myself all the time. Not that I am complaining. It’s just the price one pays to live an interesting life.

So, here’s me starting on a new workout (goal is 1.5x bodyweight deadlift & 1x bench press, 5km in 30 minutes, 5-minute plank, and 5, yes literally 5, pull-ups without stopping) and diet routine from tomorrow, jumping into a new business idea, putting my money where my mouth is politically, and generally hitting the reset button on life. Again. Thought it deserved a new look (yep, it took some time given that I have been out of practice, not having shaved for what seems like ages). I know you will all have an opinion on it. And you, as friends, most certainly have a right to. So, let me have it. Keep it clean, or let it grow out again? Both are easy to do.

Life, here I come.

P.S.: Kymaia hates me being clean-shaven. So does my mom. And Kymaia’s mother. And my best friends (all three of them). And I think, my employees too. What else is there to say?

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