
The take off.

As Kym leaves for Phuket for a vacation with her mother (it was a surprise, and boy, did she dance when we told her about it last night!) on a much-delayed flight from Mumbai, this is my message to her (Mamma bear got her to read it and discussed this with her). Let’s hope the Gadgil genes of flight have done their job, and she feels the wonderment I wish for her.

‘Baby bear, do not miss the take off. Just see outside the window and feel the pull in your stomach as you visualise taking off like a bird. Don’t talk, don’t read, don’t listen to music, don’t do anything but think of the take off when it happens. The engines will be making a lot of noise as the pilot opens throttle. Indeed, you can imagine them like racehorses pulling on the reins at the starting gate. They scream in a high pitch telling the pilot they want to fly. Suddenly, the aircraft will lurch forward as the pilot releases the brake, and it starts to roll. The surroundings will start racing and soon become a blur. Before you know it, the speed will reach V1, which is the take off speed. The pilot will call, ‘Rotate’ and will pull back gently at the control column as the bird rises gracefully into the air, the nose first and then, the rest. You can literally feel the point at which the wheels unstick and leave the tarmac. If you are focused on it, you’ll also feel butterflies in your tummy, as if suddenly, you’ve become lighter, much lighter. In a few seconds, you’ll hear and feel the thump under you as the undercarriage retracts and the doors close behind it. You are now airborne. It is a great feeling. You should savour it. Humans know flight!!! What a wonder it is, isn’t it?’

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