Kedar Anil Gadgil
Startup Strategist. Thinking Rationalist. Secular Humanist. Political Realist. Avid Biker. Committed Father. Doting Son.

Growing up.

Growing up means being hurt, being disappointed, being disillusioned. Without these, there is ...


Growing up.

If the person who you considered an amazingly original thinker hasn’t yet turned ...


सब तुम्हारा

कोतवाल तुम्हारा, कोतवाली तुम्हारी न्यायाधीश तुम्हारे, न्याय तुम्हारा संसद तुम्हारी, सांसद तुम्हारे फ़ौज ...


Cat filters FTW.

Some Pakistani politicians accidentally switched on the cat filter on a live chat. ...

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