
The crazy Bear family.

At 2330h IST, I heard a giggling noise and came out to investigate. This is what I found: 73yo Aaji and 9yo Baby Bear (with her heavily oiled hair) being upto mischief, playing Uno, reading Harry Potter, telling jokes, and munching on biscuits.

Kya paagal family hai!

And now, Baba Bear joins in the fun…

Ma: ‘Kedrya, you’ve made a drink? At midnight?’
Me: ‘Well, given how you’re all awake and have awakened me…in for a penny, in for a pound. Might as well.’
Kym: ‘Baba Bear, do you want to hear a song now that you’re awake?’
Me: ‘Kymy Bear, have you ingested anything unusual tonight? You seem to be under the influence!’
Kym: ‘Just dahi-bhaat. Then, 2 pedhas, a mug of Bournvita, one pack of Parle G, 3 Unibics, and a banana.’
Me: ‘Wow. Are you all right?’
Kym: ‘Let’s play Uno.’
Me: ‘I think it’s time to sleep.’
Kym: ‘Please. Please. I promise I’ll let you win. When I go off to boarding, who’ll you play with?’
Me: ‘Sigh. OK.’
Kym: ‘Let’s take a selfie.’
Me: ‘OK.’
Kym: ‘We all have to make funny faces.’
Aaji: ‘OK.’
Me: [Looks weirdly at the two crazies] ‘All right then. I guess in for a penny…’

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