
Age is just a number?

It is Aji’s 73rd birthday on 11 May, which is just three days from today, and we have woken up to the fact that we don’t have a gift. Of course, there’s Amazon, with its next-day delivery, so we don’t worry much when we corner Baba bear in the bedroom, close the door and whisper conspiratorially that we need to use his phone urgently, adding nonchalantly that we may also need his credit card, as an afterthought.

Anyway, enquiries are made by Baba bear about the nature of this emergency, and having ascertained the legitimacy of the cause, the phone is duly handed over, and the search begins in all earnest.

First up: Kurtas. They must be cotton (we know Aji wears no other material), white, light blue, or pink (the colours we have seen her wear), with full sleeves and nice embroidery. A quick run into Aji’s bedroom and a sneaked peek into the laundry basket confirms the size to be XL. The filters are applied, and two specimens are shortlisted before the realisation that they would not be delivered before the 13th, which is, as you already know, two days too late for the surprise to be of any use. Another filter is applied, but there are no suitable candidates and the search is abandoned.

Then: Mobile phone covers, because Aji likes to change them often and she likes the blingy variety. However, after seeing the inventory offered, we decide that nothing manages to leap over the high bar we have set about what constitutes a mobile cover suitable for Aji.

Next: Embroidery and knitting kits. And here is the conversation that ensues (author’s note: we are jumping on the bed throughout this entire time):

Baby bear: Baba bear, this seems to be for beginners. Aji is very good at embroidery.
Baba bear: Look, this seems to be all there is. We have applied the filters for delivery and budget. What else can we do?
Baby bear: <thinking furiously>
Baba bear: Well?
Baby bear: <slapping her head with her palm> I get it!
Baba bear: Do enlighten the audience too.
Baby bear: You are such a silly bear, Baba bear. You forgot to tell Amazon to show only those for ages 73 to 74!!
Baba bear: <bursting into laughter> That has to be the cutest thing I have heard for the longest time. Come here; I want to give you a bear hug!
Baby bear: <running away and giggling loudly> Noooooooo…
Baba bear: <sighing wistfully> What have I ever done to deserve this? I truly must be Serendipity’s favourite son. I love you Baby bear. You are so innocent, so beautiful, so…I don’t know. I just love you.
Baby bear: <jumping even higher on the bed> I love you more, Baba bear.

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