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The delta between online and IRL.

I came of age in 1990, the same year the Internet did too (the world wide web was released). I met all my loves online. I found and conducted most of my business online. I made 8 of 10 of my friends online. Indeed, I am the child of the Internet. I love being online and meeting and engaging with new people.

But here’s something that continues to catch me unawares every single time. Let me explain.

Now, it is not a secret that most people appear wealthier, healthier, wittier, smarter, calmer, fitter, and happier, with nice teeth, smooth skin, great hair, clean fingernails, and toned, well-costumed, and perfumed bodies on social media than they truly are. They have happy marriages/relationships, beautiful significant others, and prodigious children. Their careers and professional life is soaring, their hobbies and passions are interesting and well-pursued, and they love and are, in turn, equally loved by their relatives and friends. They are such good writers that they’d write their autobiography, but for the tragic fact that their lives are boringly perfect.

So, when you meet them IRL (and I meet a LOT of them IRL), the fact that they really aren’t isn’t a surprise.

What shocks me is the delta of difference between their portrayal and their reality.

Indeed, it is so sad that it is funny.

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