
Kar shapath. Agnipath.


When’s the Agnipath roll-back? Any elections happening anywhere?

I wish it was buried because it is ill-conceived and the army top brass was alarmed and stood up to a bullying government trying to destroy a professional military, and not because lumpens set fire to trains and our politicians wanted their votes in a hurry.

That said, what would you do if a government you voted for, again and again, despite it being clear they can’t even ensure you get oxygen and medicine in a worldwide pandemic, or indeed burial/crematorium space for your dead, decides now to kill your dreams of joining the army, which is your only ticket out of poverty and for which you have been training and studying for the past 4 years and are either already or about to become overage?

What democratic recourse do you have? Tell me.

Just to be clear: I do NOT condone violence. Of any kind. But this government, by closing all doors of democratic, peaceful, and reasonable recourse to the poor Indians with no other weapon in their armoury (like social capital or wealth or education) to fight back, is only making riots and violence inevitable.

This is NOT victim-blaming. The power structures clearly show that the government holds all the aces here and if any compromise, negotiations, or conciliatory moves are to be expected, they are from the government and not from the powerless people who are affected by their policies and actions.

In fact, if people protest and riot, it is not a failure of the people as much as it is of the government of the day, whether state or union.

Is this the burning path of fire that the scheme intends our youth to walk? Or is the name just a sad coincidence and indicative of an inept government?

No, wait, Don’t tell me.

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