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It’s here.

Hour 1. Day 1. Happy face.

Some time back, I wrote about a motorcycle and how it could help me escape the feeling of being stuck at this point in my life, indeed free me from my past and make me feel alive again. Well, it is here.

Yesterday was the 10th wedding anniversary of my second broken marriage. Tomorrow is my late kid brother’s birth anniversary. It is probably fitting that the shiny thing with 47 horses that might make me feel alive again arrived sandwiched between two dates that memorialise things dead long ago, with only faint memories of the smiles and celebrations held on these dates in the years past. For what it’s worth, I have a date to celebrate in April once again. And I am smiling. In fact, wild horses couldn’t stop me from grinning ear-to-ear today. Not even 47 of them.

By the way, her name is Battlecat III, like the previous two, the 1969 Jawa I had in the early 1990s and the Red Pulsar 180 I had in the early 2000s.

Mum personally made a special meal to celebrate the occasion.

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