
Muna Zayed v/s Tejaswi Surya.

Humans. Sigh!

Just when you are thinking of giving up on them (as witnessed by the insensitive and arrogant tweet by a sitting Member of Parliament from a highly educated constituency of South Bengaluru, Tejaswi Surya, claiming that trapping migrants who want to go home is good for the labour market, since they can be useful to ‘kickstart the industry’), they blindside you by showing you grace and resilience of such sublime quality that you wonder what made you ever doubt their future in the first place.

I am sorry if this sounds bipolar, since just some time ago I was speaking of us having crossed a line long back. But this video fills my heart with hope.

And yes, I’d rather have this little displaced Yemeni refugee girl with such joy and optimism inside her as a friend than the honourable MP from South Bengaluru, with his poison and hate.

For me, he does not represent humanity.
She does.

Migrant labour or bonded slaves?

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