All through history, Indians have bent over backwards to ingratiate themselves to the white man, clinging to the fantasy that they are somehow closer to him than the black man. And every single time, this desperate attempt has failed. Often, it has failed so spectacularly that the Indian has found himself caught between two worlds—looked down upon by the white man, resented by the black man, and entirely deluded about his own place in the hierarchy. A textbook case of “न घर का, न घाट का.”
And all the while, Indians continue shouting from the rooftops that everything the white man has, he owes to India and Indians—without the faintest trace of irony, self-awareness, or even the mildest embarrassment at the hypocrisy.
When will we ever learn?
P.S.: Yes, even Gandhi was guilty of this in his South African days. Thought I’d call this out before some bright spark comes at me with a “gotcha.” Of course, this takedown only works if you conveniently ignore everything he did for the downtrodden and, minor detail, helped bring down the British Empire. But hey, if cherry-picking history is your thing, knock yourself out.