For all the multi-billion-dollar decacorns tangled in copyright lawsuits, pleading fair use while pointing fingers at DeepSeek for copying from them is a bit rich.
Like a pickpocket filing a theft complaint.
Like a smuggler demanding border security.
Like a loan shark whining about interest rates.
Bro, if stealing is a crime, you’re a criminal.
If stealing is only a crime when someone else does it, you’re not just a criminal.
You’re a sanctimonious, self-righteous fraud.
You hoarded the internet’s collective knowledge. You scraped, indexed, processed, and repackaged it. Without asking, without paying. Without, to repeat, so much as a by-your-leave. You called it innovation. You called it progress. And now, when someone else plays by the same unwritten rules, suddenly, it’s theft?
Oh, so your AI is a pioneer, but their AI is a parasite?
Your data scraping is fair use, but theirs is plagiarism?
Your empire was built on the future, but theirs is built on fraud?
Kamaal karte ho, paaji. Heepocrassy ki bhi seema hoti hai!
If your entire business model depends on devouring the world’s (and our) content, spitting it back as your own, and charging us for the privilege, only to scream bloody murder when someone else takes a bigger bite, then here’s a thought:
Swallow your pride. Choke on the irony. And sit the hell down.