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Tu quoque?

“He was exercising his right to free speech.”
~ So are we.

“The 90-hours plus Sunday comment was off-the-cuff. We all say stupid things. Cut him some slack.”
~ Yes, but we don’t take home Rs.50 Crore or hold sway over 24,000 families and Rs.62,000 Crores P&L. So, no.

“He is otherwise a good man.”
~ Every tyrant is a good man. Until he is not. So?

“He worked hard to get where he got.”
~ Once again, he gets paid Rs.50 Crore for it. He worked hard. He got rewarded for it. He put his foot in his mouth. And now his mouth smells of the shit that was stuck to his sole. Where’s the disconnect?

“Don’t involve his family/wife.”
~ He involved mine (or at least 20,000 other people’s).

“He is involved in nation-building.”
~ And he gets compensated for it. Adequately. And proportionally. Your point is?

“Abdul Kalam. Zakir Hussain. CV Raman. Swami Vivekanand. Narendra Modi (said unironically).”
~ Outliers do not demonstrate/prove trends. For every 20-hour workaholic who succeeds, there are probably a million who burn out and fall by the wayside, destroying their (and their families’) lives. Look up ‘Cherry Picking’.

“But, but, I personally work hard. And long. And I love it.”
~ Have you heard of a concept called ‘consent’?

“I know of people around me who work hard. And long. And love it.”
~ How about ‘privilege’, then? No? Sigh. Try ‘consent’ again.

“It’s yesterday’s news. Move on. Why are you still discussing it?”
~ Well, why are you?

P.S.: If you wish to read my other posts on this, you may find them here, here, and here.

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