If you ever wondered if it was possible to mock the poor, the underpaid, and the overworked in the same breath as being a pompous, entitled privilege-blind tone-deaf arrogant asshole who is totally out of touch with his employees, customers, vendors, shareholders, and the law of the land, while managing, rather smugly (he seems so tickled with his own wit) to be both stupid and misogynistic without breaking a sweat, the answer is yes.
Ladies and gentlemen, presenting to you the rightful heir to the rather heavy mantle of the venerable Mr N R Narayana Murthy, the honourable Mr S N Subrahmanyan, Chairman of Larsen & Toubro.
All hail the new uncle on the block.
Now, to truly inherit the Murthydom, he needs to double down on his (now rather public) stance instead of denying, backtracking, claiming deepfake/misquote, or worse still, actually feeling remorse and apologising before quitting the position of power he holds, the one that allowed him to believe punching down is fun and those who can’t take a joke are just bad sports.
So, come on, Subra, you can do it. Becoming India’s favourite uncle is now in your hands.
No, wait. I just realised it isn’t that easy. Say, Subra, how simple is your wife, the one you’ve gotten bored to look at? Does she carry her own spoon?
Later edit: It seems our man here was appointed Chairman of the National Safety Council (NSC) for three years by the Union Ministry of Labour & Employment in February 2021.
Do you know what NSC’s vision is?
“Be a national leader for providing guidance and services to make workplaces safer, healthier and environment friendly.”
Yes, that’s right. The dude, till very recently, chaired the national-level agency that looks after safer and healthier workplaces. Read that again: Safer. Healthier. Workplaces.
I stopped thinking about this because my brain started to melt.
P.S.: If you wish to read my other posts on this, you may find them here, here, and here.