I’ve seen people complain.
“Cringe,” they say, when a new connection sends a pitch.
Or asks for a job.
Or makes a professional request.
I don’t agree.
LinkedIn is a professional network.
That’s the point.
No need to beat around the bush.
When you are in the bush. By choice.
Here are my rules:
- Fill out your profile. Properly. Use correct grammar.
- Post, comment, engage. Regularly. Be nice.
- Accept all invites. Immediate benefit? Doesn’t matter. Be nice.
- Send a personal note with every invite. Something about you. Something about them. Be nice.
(I think you can sense a theme here) - Let people pitch to you. Anytime. Early. Late. Doesn’t matter. Be nice.
- Need it? Engage further. Don’t need it? Decline politely. Be nice either way.
- Pitch to people. If they need it, they’ll buy. If not, not. Doesn’t matter. Be nice.
No need to be a dick about it.
For those who missed the memo:
It. Is. A. Professional. Network.
Not a cocktail party.
You may dispense with the small talk.

Image source: Paddington.com