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Aada Pada Kisne Pada…

The difference between Modi bhakts and regular humans is that while normal people are shocked and feel apologetic when their leaders (like say, a Sam Pitroda or Mani Shankar Aiyer) do or say something cringey or stupid, even if inadvertently, and generally distance themselves from the offensive statement or action, even disowning the leaders at times, the andhbhakts will not just tolerate the smell of Modi’s flatulence, but will also claim it wasn’t Modi at all, but they themselves that farted, identifying themselves on social media as ‘(Modi ka asshole)’, complete with the tricolour and all, even as the Godi media will invite ‘experts’ on air to enumerate the benefits of passing gas, and how this ancient practice, vilified by the Westerners in their debauched culture, has been set free now as India and Indians move away from the yoke of colonial slave mentality that the Mughals and Christians imposed on them for millennia, all thanks to this ‘Masterstroke’ by their Supreme Leader!

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