
Some revelations…

Friendship is…
Getting into a fight with some arbitrary luxury car owner at 2 in the morning because your very drunk friend sitting pillion behind you flipped the bird to them at a red light where they were behind you (and honking away for you to run the red, so they could too) and now that they provoked a fracas, you having to take your friend’s side, hoping this doesn’t turn ugly, watching the said luxury car owner zoom off in disgust, and then listening to your friend giggling about how ‘we scared them’ while trying your best to control yourself from telling them to kindly get the fuck off your bike if they’re going to go about picking fights with random strangers in the middle of the night and expecting me to back them up at the cost of my physical and emotional well-being, but battling that urge until you dropped them home, so you could bring up this embarrassing incident the next day and every single time you want to embarrass them in the future.

Courage is…
Doing this at 50.

Stupidity is…
Thinking this is ‘courage’.

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