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The circular firing squad. Again.

You know why we’re fucked as a nation?

Because while the discussion on RW groups, Godi media, and generally on their social media and IRL is celebratory in nature (and wildly so by some standards), about how Amit Shah is a master tactician, how Adani is the GOAT, how the Vatican-backed Roys were outmanoeuvred, and how the mighty NDTV is now ‘theirs’, the discussion on liberal walls and timelines is how we should not deify Ravish Kumar and how he isn’t perfect and hence, no more a hero than, say any other journalist, and how he is rich himself, and how he has his own political issues, and how his exit really isn’t that big a deal, how unsavoury and distasteful it is even to consider him worthy of being idolised, and how true liberals should distance themselves from him and stay neutral in this fight between a privileged news anchor and the second richest man in the world, both being two sides of the same coin.

In short, while the RW is jumping with joy and patting their backs as if it is your uncle from WA who’s bought NDTV, the liberals are smug in their high standards and the bar they have set, which Ravish can never hope to clear.

That’s why we’re fucked as a nation.

Ravish Kumar ji, I am with you. In my considered view, you have a stellar record as an honest, upright journalist with integrity that can only be envied, never equalled by those that consider themselves your peers, and I will, as soon as you decide how to continue to serve society, whether in media or politics, throw my weight, however light, behind you based just on your past track record, and give you the benefit of the doubt commensurate to the service to this nation that you have already rendered. Thank you for what you have done. And more power to you for your future endeavours. You have one subscriber willing to pay for news that comes from you in whatever form in the future. और दुनिया गई तेल लेने। सेठ के पास पैसा है, तो आपके पास हम। जंग जारी रखिए। मैदान खाली न होने पाए।

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