The hard-working can-do attitude of the Patels in the UK & USA;
the entrepreneurial brilliance of the Parsis across the world, the progressive perspective and Raj Dharma of the Gaikwars, the iron will and clarity of thought of the Sardar, and the political acumen and the ideology of truth and non-violence of the Mahatma, amongst other great men & women, combined with their awesome cuisine, sweet language, lyrical folk tales, soulful music, and quirky, colourful sense of fashion that reflects the fun-loving and always-ready-to-party (and to lend a hand) nature of the common Gujarati made the Gujarati a much-loved (if also much-envied) community in and outside India.
At least I saw them that way, having come to Mumbai in 1985, shifted to Vile Parle in our first-ever home in that city, and seen this fantastic community up close.
And now, the entire reputation, so hard-earned and built over centuries by great people has been shattered by the two thugs that rule us (or at least think they do).
ई दुई ठग महात्मा का इज्जत पुरा मिट्टी में मिलाई दिए। They are to Gujarat what Hitler was to Germany. It may take several generations to correct the damage they have done to Brand Gujarat.
When I meet or hear about or am introduced to a Gujarati now, I start off with a presumption that this person is bigoted, small-minded, exclusionary, and predatory. That he or she is not to be trusted.
Earlier, my only problem with them then was their insistence on vegetarianism. I no longer grudge them that.
You see, vegetarianism is so much better than cannibalism.