Mum, Kymaia, and Kymaia’s mum briefed, work (and party) schedule adjusted, employees given tasks, phone & helmet charged, the BattleCat cleaned, fuelled (and pressured) up, and all nuts & bolts tightened, gear & equipment double-checked, luggage planned, packed, and ready for the 3-day weekend Coastal Run with Bikers’ Creed India.
Now, all I have to get my body to do is manage the pain in my sprained left wrist, stop the bleeding from my left knee (while being careful about the wound from last fortnight’s fall on my right knee), numb the pain in my right shoulder, bandage the shoe bites on my feet (from the new boots started off last week), and control the rather inconveniently timed cough, cold (if you’ve heard me sneeze, you’ll know why I’ve lost my voice since the past 24 hours), (mild) fever, and upset tummy with the prescribed medications while catching up on my sleep deprivation from last week’s partying and rehydrating my kidneys from the ravages of last night’s drunken revelry that I don’t regret for a single moment. All of it before tomorrow 0530h IST. And I’m set.