
Competitive eating and hunger.

Out of all the crazy ‘sports’ out there, the most disgusting and tone-deaf one has to be: competitive eating.

I seriously question the moral compass, not to mention the sanity, of every person involved in this, including those that consume such content and therefore provide incentive and encouragement to this abomination.

Whenever I come across any such video in my feed, I cannot scroll past fast enough. It makes my stomach churn. In more ways than one.

Now, to my monthly donations to Wikimedia Foundation and Alt News, I wish to add an NGO that provides meals to children. However, on searching the net using my limited skills, I could only see the religious ones in India, which refuse to provide eggs in children’s menus (seems ISKCON’s Akshaya Patra and Isha Foundation’s Isha Education are the two big ones in India, and the less said about their motives the better). Now, given the benefits of the egg and the mountain of evidence pointing to it being the quickest, most economical, and highly efficient way of delivering a host of nutrients into the child’s body, and given my opposition to anything connected to religion, specifically the whole imposition of the Savarna ‘pure veg’ monoculture on a body of people as diverse as Indians, I am in the market, so to say, for a secular NGO that feeds Indian children balanced meals INCLUDING (and especially) eggs. If my friends here can suggest a good place for my money, I would be most appreciative.

P.S: It has to be (1) a registered NGO, (2) non-religious in every way, and (3) feed Indian children eggs in their meals as part of their core objectives.

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