
A chip off the old block?

The one thing that little Baby bear takes after me in is having two left feet!! Her mother is such a good dancer, but Kym is the most awkward dancer this side of the Prime Meridien (on the other side, it has got to be Theresa May), I tell you! But, I believe that she makes up with cuteness what she lacks in rhythm.

See, I told you I am not one of those, ‘the sun shines out of my kid’s backside’ kind of dads. I can see what she’s good at. And what her ‘areas of improvement’ are, to use a euphemism! And since I share everything that she does well, why not this too? She has no talent or any sense of the beat, but she has enthusiasm (not to mention a unique sense of style in her choice of fashion) and of course, she’s my little Baby bear. And she seems happy and joyful while doing whatever it is that she is doing there. So, that kind of works too. At least for me.

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