
Chess, coffee, and concentration.

So, every Sunday, the co-founder of Dohiti, CP, sets up a board and invites anyone to play. Loser buys coffee.

Last Sunday, we lost focus and failed to discover a fork that subsequently cost us the game. We discussed this with our teacher, who said we need to write down all the moves. This helps us focus and not miss obvious traps as well as allows the teacher to help analyse the game in the next session.

We are determined to do better today. And we have Mr Bun-Bun for moral support (we washed him and got him adequately rested last night so he could cheer us enthusiastically today). And of course, we have Mr Baba to drive us there.

So, we’re all set for the match. Wish us the best. Hope we can win Mr Baba a coffee today.

P.S: We lost our Queen early in move #14, but we stubbornly clung to our defence till move #36 before succumbing. Next time, we’ll be more careful. Maybe it was the pressure of writing down every move, the new clock, and so on. But every day in every way, we are getting better and better.

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