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The more I learn, the less I want to know.

I am a little surprised how many people have told me things about their marriages since last night.

I am rather more surprised how many of them are in bad, broken, loveless marriages and just want out.

I am even more surprised that some of them, whom I’ve known for ages, but could never have guessed were in so much pain.

I am suddenly much wiser than I was a mere 24h ago. And frankly, I wished I’d remained ignorant about the sorrow that abounds in the lives of what seem mostly like normally happy people around me.

If all these people were to act on their innermost desires, we’d have little to no married people in this world quite quickly. And whatever small number remains, will become anomalies to be studied, written on, and wondered about, while slowly being driven to extinction.

Indeed, there’s tragedy wherever you look, some of it so personal and intimate that I feel almost like a dirty voyeur just being told about the lives of some of them.

Funny thing is that those telling me about their problems started by anchoring them in mine, but eventually, stopped the pretence of bothering about consoling me, as they launched into their own issues with such gusto that, in a strange twist, I found myself playing the part of the shoulder they needed to cry on.

Life is, it would seem, not only far more tragic than you imagine, it is more tragic than you can imagine.

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सब को अपनी ही किसी बात पे रोना आया।

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