
What’s sauce for the goose…

In all the noise of social media, somehow, I am unable to hear the following reasoning. Maybe, I need hearing aids?

  1. You don’t want your homes razed? Then don’t pelt stones. Simple!
  2. You are talking about the constitutional rights to protest? Where is it written in the Constitution that you can riot and burn public property? If you want to save your home, go to your beloved courts.
  3. Fire has to be fought with fire. If you riot, you and your family pay with your home. Fair exchange.
  4. घटास धट आणि कटास कट. Rough translation: force must be met with force, conspiracy with conspiracy. You should have thought of your family’s home before taking on the state. Now, no use crying.
  5. Might is right? Now, ask your God to save your home.
  6. Your family is complicit in your crime. If you are going to cause loss to other families, the state will cause loss to yours by bulldozing your home. You cannot complain.
  7. Bulldozing homes is wrong? Is rioting right, then?
  8. <Insert your own>

Sauce for the gander, anyone? No?

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