
Lists and photographs.

After our morning training, we went to Masi’s place to bathe, have breakfast, and attend our chess class. Today, we have only chess and Mandarin and the rest of the day is off. So, Baba bear reminded us of our weekly work in a Google chat:
1. Khan Academy lessons: As many as you want.
2. Resistant band leg raises: 5 sets x 25 reps for each leg.
3. Emails to Mamma/Baba, Aji, Neha Atya, Masi, and anyone else you wish to write to.
4. One page of English writing.
5. Two pages each of Hindi and Marathi reading.
6. Piano practice for patterns – 30 times.
7. Drink 3 litres of water.

So, we got ready, finished our chess class, and came back for piano practice. But Mamma bear sent us with a note for things to do and items to fetch. It’s a long list that includes our books and water bottle (how else will we know how much water we have had in the day?) as well as Mamma bear’s breakfast (and the ‘Mula ko achar’ bottle).

As soon as we entered, right at the door, we read it out to Geeta didi. Baba bear said we looked cute and wanted to click a photo of us reading it. And so, here we are. Our life seems to be full of lists. And photographs.

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