Kymaia Day 1 with the Coros Pace 2.
So, every Monday, since our first class doesn’t start till 1000h, and we have finished our 2h-training, had a shower, brushed our teeth, and gotten ready by 0810h tops, Baba and Baby go do breakfast. Today, it was the Yogi Tree in Koregaon Park, where we had the lemon-honey pancake, a 2-egg omelette, and half a glass of mango milkshake to level up the 310kcal we lost during our run.
We also found a book at Aji’s. It’s called Flora & Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo. It’s a funny book, and we took it to our breakfast date because Baba is a silly bear and sometimes gets on phone calls that are long and boring and we need something to do.
Oh, did we tell you we love asking questions? Today, we found out that while the fastest human cannot run over 45km/h, a cheetah can do 130km/h. Also, a human can jump just over 8 feet high at most while a cheetah can jump up to 12 feet. So, we decided that we wanted to be a cheetah. Unfortunately, it seems you can’t really choose to be someone just like that. I asked Baba if he was sure. He said he was. How does Baba know all this? He’s just a silly bear who I love to hug and do kissy attacks on.
D0 you know what a kissy attack is? It’s when you jump on someone and start kissing them and keep doing it till they start giggling. The only way to stop a kitty attack is to do a kissy attack back. Baba says one should always ask permission before doing a kissy attack. That’s how ladies and gentlemen behave, he says. We don’t understand. Why would anyone not want kissies? Baba bear assures us that there are many people who may not want the kissies, or may not want it then, or may not want it from you and that it is not for us to decide, but each person has a say for their own selves. It is called ‘consent’.
The problem is that when Baba bear speaks seriously about something, I can listen, but when he makes that serious face, I feel like laughing. So, I laughed, and asked him, ‘Excuse me, Mr Baba bear. Would you mind terribly if I were to give you a kissy attack?’ He started guffawing and said, no, he’d like that very much. So, here we go. It’s kissy time!