So, this happened. Kymaia’s Aji (or ‘Aajji’ as she prefers it), wanted to congratulate/appreciate/encourage/bless Kymaia for her first podium finish, and for some reason, also wanted to do the same to me (the words ‘congratulate/appreciate/encourage/bless’ in English do not do justice to the Marathi, ‘कौतुक’, which is what I mean in this case), and what we ended up with was two similar Coros Pace 2 EK (Eliud Kipchoge) Special Edition fitness wearables. While Kym is happy as a lark (frankly, even if her Aji had bought her a bar of Cadbury’s chocolate, she’d have been equally excited and happy, if I know anything of her), I am now under some stress because now that I have a watch that is used to track fitness, I better start on the path of achieving it (fitness, that is, not the stress). And hence, from Monday onwards, if you see a roly-poly, balding, middle-aged, be-watched man trundling along the racecourse, panting and huffing & puffing to keep moving his legs, please do not laugh, but wave in sympathy and understanding.
That’s it. Thank you for your cooperation. And yes, thank you, Aji!
P.S: I have since discovered that I am unable to set the correct age and weight for little Kym on the wearable, since it has a minimum at 16 years (in age) and 30kg (in weight), while Baby bear is 7 years (going on 8) and 22.5kg. However, instead of waiting for another 8 years for Kym to start using it, I just set it at the minimum so her coach can get at least some information that may be used in her training. I have also written to the company about this unique problem. Let us hope they find a resolution. At the end of the day, it is just a software thing; so, it might be doable. Let’s see. Till then, we take what we have and keep moving forward.

Our new fitness wearable – Coros Pace 2 EK Special Edition.