
02 April 2016 v/s 02 April 2022

Kymaia with water sprinkler 2016.

Time flies. And it’s good, for I enjoyed, and continue to enjoy, every moment with Little Miss Gadgil. Before people go, ‘Awwww, they grow up too fast, don’t they?’, let me stop you right there and say, I don’t agree. They grow up at the perfect pace. No one can grow faster or slower (most certainly not kids brought up in relatively balanced, privileged surroundings with no undue stress or discomfort). That’s just how children become adults. We all did.

So frankly, I don’t regret her having grown up fast or looking different. I don’t miss her childhood more than I miss my own. It was good while it lasted. And now, it’s something else.

Nor, by the way, do I regret not having spent enough time or not given her enough hugs. I don’t think I haven’t told her how much I love her often enough or that I spent too little time parenting. I enjoyed every little itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny bit of her growing years, as I will keep doing going ahead, all the way till I breathe my last.

As I said, it’s all good!

Kymaia with water bottle 2022.

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