
Pet Peeve Rant.


Here’s a list of things that make me clench my teeth (and fists, and perhaps other parts of my anatomy) and raise the desire inside of me to collar the perpetrator and lecture them about the right way to do things.

Also known as pet peeves (in no particular order):

1. People asking me to take my shoes off, whether at their homes, offices, or even airport security. I know, for a lot of people, homes are touchy, but seriously, if you have invited me for a formal party and I end up wearing formal clothes with, you know, formal shoes, and then you ask me to take my shoes off, WTF, dude? What part of ‘formal’ do you not comprehend? Anyway, I don’t care. I will literally walk away if you ask me to take off my shoes anywhere, be it home, office, playground, whatever. I am sure you won’t miss me. Or I, you. And yes, since we are speaking of pet peeves, I also am irritated by people who insist on removing their shoes in my home just outside my door. Like, dude, please just stop. I am telling you it’s OK. Just walk in. Stop. STOP! I know this peeve is totally irrational, but that’s why it is a pet peeve, not a law I am asking the government to promulgate.

2. People not knowing that to call a lift to go up, you need to press the ‘Up Arrow’ button, and to call it to go down the ‘Down Arrow’. Where the lift is at that moment is of no consequence. It is not a buffalo or a pet dog that you need to call. It has a bloody computer inside. What is the point in pressing the wrong button and then riding down or up before you ride up or down again to your destination? Do you enjoy that? What are you? 5?

3. People using the 8.3 rule of naming electronic files and folders (and therefore inventing ridiculous short forms for simple file names) that was needed when DOS was invented, back in 1981. Also, people who use the underscore in file names. Have you all forgotten you are now in 2022? I mean (and when I am really mad, I demonstrate this to some people), you could literally name a file, ‘The letter that I wrote complaining about the garbage naming strategies used by people who are still living in the last century’ and your system will accept it. Unless you are working at a nuclear weapons facility of the Indian defence forces, which still use old hardware and software (perhaps even CDs and floppy disks). But you aren’t, right? Incharge of India’s nuclear deterrent, right? I would sincerely hope not, because you are incapable of tying your own damn shoelaces from what I can see, you juvenile nutjob.

4. People who break the queue. ‘Nuff said.

I am going to add more as they come to me.

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