
Films and hate.

Do you know how the Islamists have a steady stream of passionate and willing young jihadists ready to kill themselves for a cause they don’t fully grasp?


Yes, films that are shown to them, and passed around, shared, and collectively viewed and then discussed. Films of Muslim women being raped. Films of children being beaten. Films of children crying. Films of women bleeding. Films of men being tortured. Films showing mutilated bodies. Films of bombed-out Muslim localities. Films showing army brutality. Films showing injustice to Muslims somewhere in the world. Films of Muslims being oppressed. By non-Muslims. Specifically by non-Muslims. Films that are not about creating heroes, for those will come later from the fire of jihad. Films that are intent on creating villains. Horrible villains. Villains that deserve no less a punishment than death. A horrible death. The kind of death shown in those films. Films that selectively pick and choose from facts and news and are edited for maximum impact on young, gullible minds so that they seek revenge and are willing to do ‘whatever it takes’ to wreak what they think is divine vengeance on not just the perpetrators, but anyone who they are told is allied or identifies with them and therefore, automatically complicit in the oppression visited upon fellow Muslims somewhere in the world.

Cleverly edited films showing a part truth. True films. Well made films. That send young boys to blow themselves up willingly. And take other humans with them. Humans that have never harmed or intended harm to those youngsters intent on taking them along to their deaths. Without a second thought. Because they are now so filled with hatred that nothing and no one can stand in their way. Completely consumed. By red hot hatred. For people they have never met nor known.

Because. Cleverly made films.

Yes. Films.

P.S: I am an extreme free-speech advocate and would defend anyone’s right to make or view whatever they want. But I reserve the right to comment on and criticise the art, the artist, the message, the messenger, the intent, the objective, and the final outcome based on my own intellect and reasoning. I invite my readers to use theirs.

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