Putting it up once again since we couldn’t find anyone the first time around: We are looking for someone to come and play with little Kymaia in Hindi and Marathi (separate times, perhaps separate people) for an hour every week. We expect nothing more than conversation.
Kym needs to learn how to use these two languages, which she is unable to wield as effectively as English and Nepali, or even Mandarin (which she is learning formally), and reading and writing is far from our minds at the moment, though she’d get there eventually.
At the moment, we’d be happy to just hear her speak effortlessly. And having had some experience with this, I can confidently say this has to be an offline activity. We will, of course, pay reasonably well.
We need a lady tutor who is a native speaker. Someone whose language is idiomatic and knows the proverbs and poems, complex words and simple stuff, someone who will always use ‘आप’ instead of ‘ तू’ or ‘तुम’. Someone who will tell stories and sing songs in their language, and make her fall in love with it. Once again, we are NOT looking for a formal teacher or someone who will teach her to write official letters or read the daily newspaper.
We want someone she looks forward to meeting and talking to. I know this is a weird way to look for friends, but with the online and SM world, especially in a culture where more marriages are arranged by parents than by the people involved, anything is possible, I say!
Any leads? We stay Pune, MH 411001.