
Kymaia and contact sport.

I think everyone here knows that Kymaia loves to run. That said, she is also a kid and gets bored. At the end of the day, running is a lonely sport. She needs something with more engagement. Also, I want to use her infinite energy and channel it into newer physical challenges. So, now that we know she can (and wants to) run, we are looking for other things for her to do.

There are several options: tennis, squash, swimming, gymnastics, football, and so on, each with its own pros and cons. Then, there is dance, aerobics, ballet, martial art, etc, once again each having its pluses and minuses. However, we are attracted to a specific kind of sport and that is where we need your help: Kymaia wants to learn to wrestle. And we are keen she learns some contact sport at the very least.

There’s boxing. But I used to box in college and university, and even I believe boxing is a savage and inhuman sport, if it can be called that at all. Other martial arts, or at least the way they are taught in India, are more choreographed dancing than any practically useful defence (or even offence, in a pinch) technique. To call them ‘contact sport’ would be pushing the definition. So, wrestling it is.

However, there is indeed one more sport that can fulfil all of this and seems to be popular in Pune specifically. And that is rugby. We’d love her to learn that beautiful game that combines grace, choreographed movement, and elegance with speed, teamwork, and guile. We think she might enjoy it too.

So, here’s where you come in, my friends: Is there anyone here who can help me find a coaching school for little Kym to learn wrestling or rugby in Pune? Since it is not something that can be either taught online or by a lone instructor visiting her at her home, this would mean we would need to change and reschedule some of her timetable to accommodate this activity. We are prepared to do that, and we both (Kymaia’s mother and I) believe it would do her a whale of good to get out and actually play a sport that involves some amount of roughhousing and a lot of speed, stamina, and strength.

Once again, to clarify: We are NOT looking at making Kymaia a medal-winner or a competitive sportsperson. We are only looking at finding interesting things to expose her to, and hoping that she loves the process of learning and practising the skill/art to a point where if she were to choose so, she could take it up as a hobby or as a profession later in life.

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