
Seeking interns.

I have led businesses and created shareholder value in complex and volatile environments over international, inter-cultural, and intersecting verticals in a career that spans 3 decades and encompasses domestic and international enterprise in fields as wide-ranging as technology, trading, media, pharmaceuticals, aviation, realty, finance, retail, hospitality, FMCG, and manufacturing. You can find more about me here.

My next 10 years are going to be semi-dedicated to teaching entrepreneurship to the next generation, not in a stuffy, formal, theory-first way, but in a fun, interactive, practical fashion, where at the end of the course, they would have all the tools to start their own business, and perhaps would already have at some point while learning with me.

I am in the midst of creating the syllabus and developing the pedagogy and would like to invite (Indian-resident) interns (in final year degree, any degree, courses) for a 3-month assignment to join me remotely in creating this unique course. There will be a minor stipend (Rs.2,500 per month), and (if all goes well) a resounding recommendation on LinkedIn as well as on my letterhead, at the end of the period of internship. The work starts January-February 2022 and will last till April-May 2022.

OK, so you are interested. What skills do you need? Glad you asked. Here goes: Fantastic written and spoken English communication, comfort with Boolean logic search and with social media (would help if you are active on FB, Tw, LI, Insta, and host some sort of long-form blog, whether written, audio, or audio-visual), multitasking, obsessive attention to detail, openness to feedback, love for pizza, and a cheery demeanour, not necessarily in that order. A wicked sense of humour (but without being irreverent or disrespectful about your work) won’t hurt either.

Most work would be about online research, phone calls, and data collection and collation. I reckon this should not take more than an hour (or two tops) every day. This is a remote, self-starter job, and there will be little, if any, micro-management. Indeed, I may also send you a pizza once in a while, so we can all meet on a Google Meet/Zoom call and enjoy it together!

On the other hand, you will get to learn stuff they don’t teach you in college, and be part of something larger than yourself at a young age.

Please send your applications here, your LinkedIn profile/CV, and a brief note about why you want to do this.

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