CommentaryParentingSocial Media

SRK as a father.

If you were SRK, what could you do to get people not to:

  1. blame you for your child’s yet unproven crimes;
  2. claim you have orchestrated this to help a flagging career (which, incidentally, has made you so much fame and fortune that it would take a special kind of stupid to pull a stunt like this, even if possible);
  3. allege that this was done to launch your son into stardom (see above point);
  4. display glee and schadenfreude at your parental agony and pain;
  5. write tweets, posts, and long-winded articles dripping with sarcasm about your parenting skills; and/or
  6. specifically write about how they don’t stand by you, even though you’d not dream of asking for their sympathy (mostly because you don’t even know they exist)?

What would you, if you were SRK, have done other than:

  1. find as much time and resources to spend with your child during their growing years, as was possible given your own career;
  2. give the children as many resources as your social privilege and hard-earned money could afford:
  3. offer them complete freedom while still ensuring they are looked after;
  4. train them from childhood about being a celebrity’s offsprings;
  5. hire the best lawyers money can buy if they get into trouble;
  6. defend them and their reputation vehemently in public;
  7. protect them using the social and political network you have built up all your life; and
  8. love them regardless of their flaws?

So, why is SRK (an actor I have never liked, and a man I don’t care for much) suddenly become the target of so much hate and ridicule?

What is he doing that you, as a father, would not have done for your son? Why are people such moralising dicks?

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