CommentaryMoralityParentingSocial Media

My absolute last word on this matter.

‘What were you doing at 23?’ is the wrong question doing the rounds of social media (no doubt after some military officer put out that he was at glacial heights commanding 120 men guarding his country’s borders).
‘What would you do if you were Shahrukh Khan?’ is the right question.
Indeed, ‘What would you do if it was your son who was caught up in a drug bust, or in fact, in any illegal activity?’ is an even better question.
Also, this age question is stupid. What was Tilak or Gandhi or Akbar or Shivaji or Alexander or whoever doing at 23? And what were you? Comparing yourself with someone just to kick them when they are down is sociopathic behaviour. And by the way, what was your father doing at 55, in that case? Surely not worth a thousand Crores and living at Land’s End in Bandra. So, cut the crap.
Anyway, I’ve had enough of this game. I am tired and wish to sleep. Let the law take its course. I hold no brief for SRK or SRT or any random retired General or whoever else’s names are being dragged into the mud. I don’t even like any of these gentlemen I am spending so much time defending. Nor am I being paid. They can afford the best defence the world has to offer. They don’t need me. And I don’t need them. I don’t like them professionally. I don’t like them personally. I don’t like them politically. I don’t like them socially. Why am I even doing this? Time to stop.
Perhaps I should end with a simple message that seems to have been missed by all concerned: In drugs and sex, the users are usually victims. They need counselling and medication. They need sympathy and understanding. They need to be rescued. Not prosecuted. The perpetrators are always the suppliers. Look at whoever is making money off the trade, whether of drugs or of sex. That is the party that needs to be pursued and made to feel the long arm of the law and the gavel of justice. Not the victims who are suffering from that party’s pursuit of profits. Thankfully, we have learnt this about the sex trade in the recent past. Much of the civilised world has even accepted this truth about drugs too. Maybe our society will too one day. Hopefully soon.
That’s all from me on this. I’ve had enough. Good night.
P.S: Remember that ‘My parenting is so perfect that my child will never…’ are famous last words.
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