
Chores and more.

So, we were told that a very close friend of ours gets money for doing small chores, no doubt with her parents’ intent of teaching her about money, accounting, and savings. Armed with this precedent at our disposal, we decided to ask our mum for the same. However, when we were making a ‘rate card’, one of our tutors (who comes home twice every weekday) came across it (when we asked her the spelling of ‘arrangements’, which we have still very cutely left unchanged) and pointed out to us rather sternly that no one must charge for helping around their own house. This admonition was enough for some teary-eyed re-writing of the ‘rate card’ which transformed into a simple list of chores we have promised to do. This, we have pasted on our work table.
When Mamma bear heard of this, she teared up too, and decided to take us to McDonald’s for fries and strawberry milkshake, our absolute favourite.
Aren’t we a lucky little baby bear?
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