
A good morning from Kym.

An ilaichi banana, followed by a 8km run, 100 squat jumps, 50 court runs, 12 Indian-style assisted push-ups, 10 situps to standing position, 180s plank, duck walk, lunges, basketball jumps, superhero, halasan, naavaasan, arch, bhujangasan, 30s x 3 sets free hang with both hands, 10s x 3 sets one hand each free hang, sheershasan, handstand (with 5 assisted push-ups), panther walk, extreme stretching, vajrasan, shavaasan, a litre of water, head bath with warm water, 2 eggs, 2 slices of cheese, 250ml milk with Bournvita, 2 rotis, some ketchup, chips, block of cheddar, and we are ready for an hour of chess. The clock strikes 8. A very good morning to you all.
Does everyone who is reading this already know her morning routine? Sure. So, who is this post for? No one in particular. Just flexing. 😉
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