Saturdays and Sundays are lazy days at the Gadgil household. We have a late Friday night, waking up at leisure in the morning, taking our time to have breakfast, then meandering through the morning with painting, poetry, song, dance, gardening, calling our cousins and grandparents on video phone, and helping around the house with chores, we finally get to lunch, after which the day’s wide open still, and we decide what, of all the activities we did through the week and this morning, takes our fancy to do once again.
Usually, it is reading or chess, or sometimes, television. This morning, it was colouring, and Mamma bear had bought us an actual canvas notepad for experimenting. So, a page was duly detached, clipped to our makeshift easel, and free rein was given to our imagination, from where sprung blue gold-spotted butterflies, purple grass with bright orange flowers, a golden orange sun hidden behind wispy clouds, and other such beautiful expressions of our beautiful mind. What a glorious weekend this promises to be!