
Our first game, and win.


Last night, after our regular online chess class, the teacher suddenly decided to pit us against another student of hers, another 6-year-old from another part of the world. We decided not to tell our parents about it until Baba came in and asked why we’ve been there for over 2 hours, by which time we were going for the kill, playing black: Queen to g2, which was in turn protected by our light square Bishop on e4. Check. And Mate.

And yes, regardless of how cool Baba thinks he is, and how often he tells us that winning does not matter, we think we saw some tinge of pride in his eyes when we told him that we brought the ship home. But there was also regret for missing our very first game with a stranger. So, this morning, we set up the board, and replayed the whole game, from memory, for Baba.

We think he’s got something in his eye.

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