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Social media truths.

If you do not have empathy or the ability to put yourself in the shoes of someone less privileged than you, there is nothing, no one, no argument, no facts, no data, no education, no training that can teach you to do that. Even if you literally found yourself in that situation some day, and then once again somehow extricated yourself and found your privilege once again, even THEN you would not be able to do that.

I have come to the conclusion that all debates I participate on social media are opportunities to practice my skills & have a bit of fun and NOT for changing people’s minds. I have said it before and I will say it again:

  • If you don’t have empathy to begin with, I cannot help you. You will likely not understand 8 out of 10 things I say here.
  • I write for myself. For my pleasure. To scratch my itch. If I try to debate with you or convince you of my point of view, it isn’t because I think I can change the way you think, but purely for sport. I enjoy it. I have, thankfully, zero expectations from you.
  • Social media is not real life. Not even close. It is a simulation. Like the Holodeck on Starships in fiction. It helps you learn, but it cannot teach you. If you didn’t get that last sentence, you’ve missed the point altogether.
  • This is not all I do. This is my leisure, my pastime, my hobby. Please do not think this is a profession. Once again, to repeat: I write for sport. And to make a point. Not directed at anyone in particular. If you choose to stand in front of me when I am shouting into the void, don’t complain of the noise.

Thank you for your attention. Now, go do whatever it is you do at this time of the day.

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