
Salaries and WFH.

In this “work from home” (WFH) environment, how many employees will realise that their jobs are either redundant and may be dispensed with or are not really adding as much value to the business as earlier assumed by all parties?

How many employers will come to the same conclusion about many positions occupied by people being paid fat salaries?

And the other way around, with some jobs that would show up as hugely undervalued and underpaid.

In the post-Corona world, can we expect huge reassessments by both sides of the value they are adding to the enterprise and appropriate and proportionate adjustments in the takeaways/payouts? Or will it be business-as-usual as soon as this is over? Or do you think it may affect some verticals but not all? In which case, which ones?

Can we take a poll? What do you think from the following:

1. There are no discrepancies and the values ascribed today have been reached via market forces and are mostly right.
2. There are some minor discrepancies but not enough for an overhaul of the corporate structure as we know it.
3. There are major issues with this but once this passes us by, people will forget it and stop caring.
4. Let us prepare for huge changes because this (the reassessment of value-add followed by a readjustment of payout) is going to happen.

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