Dear Gogi Bear,

Which brings me to the training I have been putting you through since the day you were born. You see, your Baba is 46 (yes, on the very same day you’ll turn 5, he’ll turn 47) and to be honest, while he was thrilled when you came on the day he turned 42 (what are the chances, eh? But with a number like 42, I’d say it is possible even if there’s an infinite improbability! h/t H2G2 by DNA), both you and I need to acknowledge that there will surely come a day, perhaps sooner in your life than most of your friends’, when you’ll need to pick yourself up without Baba’s help. And that is the day I have been preparing you for, at least since 28 August 2014, the day I laid my eyes on you, lying on the green scrub, looking like someone who didn’t even need to say “Baba, gogi” to be picked up and cuddled!