…right. but terrorists do. there is no terror without terrorists
and there’d be no terrorists without a very strong justification for killing a fellow human unconnected with whatever wrong one perceives to have been perpetrated on them
…that justification is, more often than not, RELIGION
until the time there is belief in an afterlife, there will be people willing to die, and to kill in this life, expecting rewards in the next
…this belief is, in every case i have heard of, the cornerstone of RELIGION
the stronger this belief in a post-life future, the less value one accords to the present, and the more willingness to commit terrorist acts in this life
…ergo, the MORE religious you are, the more likely you are to commit reprehensible acts towards other humans and living beings
until we understand, accept, and openly call out religion as the root of such terrorism, we would never be able to even begin to start to commence to eradicate the smallest part of the suffering it causes. to absolve religion, and god, and beliefs in the supernatural of all guilt, and to blame a handful of “misguided cowards” for actions inspired directly from the purest of religious texts and teachings, is to fool only ourselves, and prepare the ground for more killings, more terror, more suffering in the future…in THIS life
the quicker we agree that religion is directly liable and responsible for such acts, the faster we would be on our way to a more peaceful world
and moderates….no, you are not true to your religion. the fundamentalists are. that is the reason they are called fundamentalists. they adhere to the “fundamentals” of your religion. THEY are the purest followers, not you. you moderates are adulterated in your beliefs. if you think YOUR beliefs are better than those of the fundamentalists, you need to re-examine your religious fundamentals. so, please do NOT defend your religion. by doing that, you are defending the terrorists…not just these, but also future terrorists. so, stop right there. i do not want to hear your apologist excuses about religions of peace and tolerance. spare me the lecture on your religion. as an atheist, perhaps i know it better than you. in fact, that is the reason i am atheist. if you want to know why i hate religion so much, you need to read your texts yourself. all the reasons are in there
about those who talk of the “real” issues being that of haves and have-nots, and young, energetic, passionate people (mostly men) becoming disillusioned enough to rebel and take the path of violence, i am not disputing any of that. all i am saying is that the REASON for disillusionment may be economic, social, or political. but the EXCUSE for justifying the killing of innocents is ALWAYS RELIGION
think about it. and once again, for those of you “praying” for paris, fuck you, fuck your prayers, and fuck your gods
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This is my space. To ramble, rant, or ruminate. You are welcome to join me. You can see more of me here. I am an IAF+Air India brat (my father and my kid brother, both have donned the wings of the Indian Air Force) growing up in cantonments across the nation, and attending 12 schools before graduating as an Electrical Engineer from Pune University in 1994.
I speak, read, and write English, Hindi, and Marathi (in that order of proficiency), and am very active on social media (mainly Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and lately, Threads and YouTube too), though I do not engage beyond first or at most second level comments. My philosophy for writing can be found here.
Professionally, I am consulting with young people heading their own startups. If you are a startup and need an impartial Entrepreneur-in-Residence to bounce your ideas off, get practical advice from, and basically have around for the 33 years of hard-earned experience in starting up, running, and even shutting down companies, then I am your man. To start a conversation, mail me here.
Personally, I am deeply and passionately engaged in educating (and learning with) my daughter (who was born on my 42nd birthday!) in a non-formal setting and chronicling her (and my) journey. Indeed, unlike most kids who want to become pilots and firemen, actors and doctors, and so on, during my childhood, when I was asked what I’d want to be when I grew up, I’d always answer, ‘Father.’ So, in a way, I am living my dream. I consider myself the luckiest man on Earth (until life is discovered on other planets).
In my spare time, I love to ride/drive, travel, try different foods, watch movies (I love murder mysteries, war movies, and heists), read (mostly non-fiction), debate, and sometimes play golf or squash, or if it’s low enough stakes, poker.
I am politically promiscuous, in the sense that I do not follow a specific political or social party or leader but, from instance-to-instance, choose the argument (and hence, the side making that argument) that best suits my ideological stance of secular humanism. You can find my posts about politics here.
I love dogs and horses (though it’s been a rather long time since I rode one) and am an avid biker with a Royal Enfield 650 Interceptor, who I call BattleCat III. Follow my travels and travails on the bike here.
About my opinions, they are how I like my morning tea: extra strong, piping hot, somewhat dark, grounded in earthy aromas and spices, something that instantly wakes you up, and served without standing on ceremony.
Try me. Start a conversation! What have you got to lose?
It took 80 years. But finally, the Reich won the war. USA lost. What a day for the Nazis. Hats off to your perseverance. The Americans never saw it coming!
Wasn't Saif Ali Khan also involved with Salman in that Black Buck shooting incident that angered the Bishnois much? I am not implying anything, but could there be a connection between that and the recent incident?
The Home Minister must take serious note of this lawlessness.
Dear @moneycontrolcom Do you realise it is impossible to read @1shankarsharma 's article () on your website? There are pop-up ads every 5 seconds. I am not even joking. This is ridiculous!